RB Plugin Helper strives to help the REALbasic programmer with managing
68K versus PPC plugins. It allows you to open a plugin or a folder of plugins
and find out if they are usable with 68K, PPC, or both types of software
(i.e. so-called FAT apps). To use the application, start it up, and select if you
would like to check the status of one plugin or a whole folder by pressing the
appropriate button. You can also drag single plugins or whole folders of RB plugins
directly into RB Plugin Helper.
Once you have learned the types of each plugin from a folder, you can export the data
to a text file or an html file, where the data has been incorporated into a table.
It doesn't do much, but it has saved me a lot of time and hassle. Hopefully it does the
same for you.
Although RB Plugin Helper is freeware, it is still the property of Purple E Software. If you would like to include it on your site or CD-ROM, please be sure to include this README file unaltered with it.
• Initial Release
Unlisted version numbers are internal releases only.